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The #1 Questing-clan of ijjiGunZ!!

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Innovation: We do sh!t naked!!
Tryout: Level 60+, solo lvl4 Dungeon 0 APMust have at least 450-600 HP (75%) after completion.

    Ijji Sticky Update

    Innovation's Messenger
    Innovation's Messenger

    Female Number of posts : 639
    Age : 39
    Location : seattle

    Ijji Sticky Update Empty Ijji Sticky Update

    Post by chihakuryu Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:06 am

    Hey all, Chihakuryu again lol. I'm at work right now so I'll make this quick.

    I just updated our sticky on quest guides.

    Go check it out and see how you like the new way I have it set up.

    The parts which say "Coming soon," are guides which I would like to work on later.

    As I said before I will only be able to make like 2-3 guides a week since school has started for me. But to make things easier, I'm also gonna try and take some clan members pre-recordings to use them in guides. (For example, NightmareZ is gonna send me his solo of palmpoa commander so I can edit it for a guide).

    If any of you would like to do one of the "Coming Soon" parts just let me know here or on our forums, and I will make sure to include you in it before I actually make it.

    Also, on a side note, I'm making a guide for Mansion 5 solo and I have two recordings of gunszz and I soloing it, and would like to get more recordings so we could show all the maps. If anyone is interested in that let me know too, I'll supply the pages ^.^v

    But ya, as I said in my last post, I probably won't be online until Friday >.<

    Cya all until then.

    Chihakuryu - Admin

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 5:22 am